In response to the changes at Etsy, I've been updating my About page to show more about how I make things. I only get five pictures there, but I'm trying to choose those pictures to really reflect the fact that I am a one woman operation. Here are some of the shots of my work space that I took today, a few of which made it to my About page.
Yep, it's my dining room. And yes, I'm lucky enough to have a wall full of windows.
This is my poor little Pfaff. I got it while I was in college, nearly 20 years ago now. Hard to believe, especially when you consider how much abuse this machine has taken since then. I still lust after an older model Bernina, but at this point, I don't think I could stand to fully retire my Pfaff.
And here is my serger sitting in the windowsill next to the table, waiting to be called into action. It's a four thread with differential feed, so though it's not an especially fancy or expensive machine, it does everything I'm likely to ever need. And it's a New Home, bless their hearts, so it should last forever.
Jewelry making supplies, since I can't seem to stay away from it.
Pile of projects and fabric desperately needing to be finished. As you can see, I'm not terribly organized.
Another view of my work space, with another pile in the background on the radiator. The weather is turning cool and autumnal here, so I'll have to find a new home for that stack of fabric.
And last but not least, a shelf overlooking my space with a selection of useful and sentimental items. From here, my grandparents watch over me, accompanied by my poor dead kitty. The little stone bobbers on the right are my fetish collection, along with an old Indian stone tool (possibly a hide scraper?) found on the river bed where I grew up during a heavy drought.
What is your work space like? Do you manage to stay more organized than me? I tend to have multiple projects in the works at one time, so my dining room pretty much looks perpetually like a craft explosion.